
"Ananya, The Verbal Seduction."

Never forget to step in their shoes.



Why be a brat?

A relationship lacking Seriousness is like a mind full of mess. No matter how many thoughts you put in, the outcomes are feeble enough to walk to the bin. The spontaneity may bring in casual tee-hees'. But, it doesn't prep us... Continue Reading →

Art of Criticizing.

Out of the many art forms, criticizing is one. It might sound funny, but it sure is under the sun. The 'criticizing art', I call it. Dwell into it carefully, It'll either be a miss or a hit. There's no... Continue Reading →

Pride & Plight; of a Muslimah.🎭

Born in a Muslim family, But to the surprise Not in a conservative one. 'Happy to have a baby girl’, they exclaimed out of joy. Don’t take it as fictitious, they were happy for real. Happier than any pretentious  family... Continue Reading →

Stubbornness: Synonym for sassy & sexy.💃

Stubborn via Daily Prompt: Stubborn A tendency of mine, to stick to the point I believe in. But every night when we dine, I'm cursed as if it is a sin. They, the mockers, aren't some strangers. But are my... Continue Reading →

If youth was a drug.

If youth was a drug, I’d be the first in track to take up my concoction, Ain’t no deception. Of bold youth crusading with zest. So boisterous, so euphoric, flowing in a way, so heroic. Makes me suspect what I’ve... Continue Reading →

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