via photo challenge: Solitude

I’ll accompany myself.
For I need no one along.
I can feel content this way, all alone.
For I know togetherness never lasts long.

I feel no curse to have no one.
To have no one to travel this life with.
I rather feel blessed to dwell in solitude.
To the wilderness in me,’society’ is a myth.

This is a picture I captured while I was discovering Amer Fort, Jaipur, India. This lady and I came across each others paths quite often. And one fine time, she requested me to click a photograph of her. I happily did and just when she thanked me, I abruptly (out of utmost curiosity) responded to her thank you with -‘You’re here all alone?’ She said (and I remember her words quite clearly)- ‘Yes! And it feels great. But I’d suggest you to have a company every time else you have to ask strangers to click photographs of yours’.  We exchanged smiles then. She went and I stood there, a li’l shaken, still, for a minute wondering if she felt lonely or she managed to go by the feeling and named it solitude (the happy state of loneliness).

Wish to say something to me?

-Ananya, The Verbal Seduction.