
"Ananya, The Verbal Seduction."

Never forget to step in their shoes.


December 2016

Guest Post: Ananya, The Verbal Seduction

From tuna to melodic tune.

She was Moody yet again No, it wasn’t her menstrual cycle. Neither was any hormonal imbalance. It was all because of Michael. Michael, her so-called friend. Who ate all her tuna fish. Didn’t he know; If offered, tuna will be... Continue Reading →

Tripping over happiness.

Picture Credits. Maddening musings. Tickling thoughts. Smiling involuntarily. Unfurling knots. Reconciling rhapsody. Sublimating sadness. Exempting slowly. Breaking harness. Sensing freedom. Feeling breeze. Sipping tranquility. Breathing peace. Drinking mild. Tasting dull. Premixing tipple. Lusting alcohol.  -Ananya, the verbal seduction.

Stop following me.

Picture Credits. Why do you come wherever I go Not throwing any tantrum But you really need to grow. Thank God That you’re nocturnal Feel less flawed For, you look a lot like a pearl. Yes, you’re pretty More than... Continue Reading →

I, a poem on self.

A mere attempt to tell my dear readers, fellow bloggers and the rest of the world who ends up here at my blog to feel the verbal seduction; to tell 'em all, what I am, what 'Ananya Sharma' is via my favorite writing style -poetry.

Glorified saint.

To our intimacy, That once bloomed. From infatuation to devotion, Our love groomed. Like a little petal, Turned pretty pink tulip. Like a fairy-fable, Turned sweet; soaked in choco dip. As Sacred and divine, As love of two divided lovers;... Continue Reading →

On feeling the sadness

“Yes, I am old fashioned in matters of the heart.” – This, yes, this.
I wish we all were old fashioned in the matters of heart. There would’ve had been so less heart breaks and heart aches. World would have been a better place. If all were like this, there would have had been more of piousness, I suppose. If given one magical power, I’d turn everyone into you. Into me. Into the people who dealt with matters of heart in the most old fashioned way.
But my ‘would’ve’s’ will remain the same.
P.S. The kind you are is something to be proud of, J. 🙂


I was recently asked how it was so easy for me to get over the end of my marriage of six years. My answer: it wasn’t. It was one of the toughest things I had to endure. And that’s just the thing about enduring. It’s hard. It’s ugly. It’s sad. It’s devastating. But in the end, it’s all you can do.

But to be able to pass through a tough time, I have realised, we must feel fully. Society will have us believe (with all the right intentions) that we mustn’t cry often. That it’s going to be fine. The truth is, it’s not going to be fine. You are going to be fine. Whatever it is you’re going through, will end. You, on the other hand, will go on.

So if it’s sadness, feel it fully so you can smile better. If it’s anger, let it rage on, so…

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